You want to buy a company while reducing the risks ?
You have identified an interesting company for sale. You have in your possession detailed information confirming the coherence of the targeted company with your criteria. You wish to investigate this option deeper. Then you need to carry out due diligence.
Financial and Accounting audit
The aim of the financial and accounting audit is to ensure that « you buy what you see ». That means that the company's economic and financial situation is in conformity with what you have been told. That it really possessess the assets listed on its balance sheet, that all the liabilities have been identified, that it has sufficient cash flow to honour its commitments and so on.
Our firm has auditors specialised in accounting and financial audit. With both accounting and auditing skills, we scrutinize all the tax and financial issues of the targeted company, to give you a perfectly clear picture of its accounts and its situation.
Social and legal audit
You should also draw up an inventory of the the risk coverage linked to potential uncovered risks : absence of an insurance policy, non respect of the collective bargaining agreement and reglementation concerning security matters, and so on. Risks, which in the event of an accident may jeopardize the company's future existence.
For the legal audit part of the due diligence, our auditors can work with your lawyers, or with lawyers with whom we have partnership agreements.
We submit a detailed report at the end of our mission.
How an acquisition audit is carried out?
The acquisition audit is part of a global process of investigation and negotiation. It centres around the following stages:
* provisional study of the file by the buyer
* pre-negotiation on the basis of information given by the seller
* letter of intent signed by the buyer
Beginning of the audit:
-preliminary study of the file with the buyer
-organisation of the audit and identification of specific risks
-the audit
-the report
End of the audit:
-final negotiation and drafting of the liabilities guarantee